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30 Runs For 30 Days - Let's Do This!

Hey Now! :) Bout to start the "30 Runs for 30 Days Challenge" with my daughter But WAIT! Before you get all excited I'm just gonna tell you right now that my daughter will be hitting the streets n pounding that pavement. Me, on the other hand, will be in the comfortsy (my word) of home on this here trampoline! I am NOT gonna go running down the street tryin to be a superstar & can't make it back home LOL :). I get out breath just jumpin up & down on this thing. But hey, it's all about the cardio, bein more healthy, & doin what you can do. If you a track star, & you're sitting at home, SHAME ON YOU! :) I'M DOIN THIS THING!!!! Anybody wanna join us???? If I can do it, I KNOW You CAN! LET'S DO THIS!!!!


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