Dear God, Thank You For EVERYTHING!
As my husband & I were eating together one day recently, I thought over things that I have been through thus far on my cancer journey....the ambulance rides, the hospital stays, encouraging my hubby in the beginning that I would be ok, & the tables turned & he was encouraging me....the awful fatigue & nausea, my daughter standing with me at the toilet rubbing my back as I hurled, my son driving me to the ER & pulling over to the fire department because I couldn't make it that daughter calling or texting me almost EVERY day to see how I was feeling along with stories that ALWAYS made me feel better....our kids joining together to deep clean our house while we were away at chemo, the sometimes tormenting feeling that it would never get better....the unseen things & unknown prayers that were prayed for me by my family because each one handled this trial a little differently....I explained to my husband that even though I could remember these things, it's kind of like child birth. Although you KNOW that there was so much pain, God gives you a little buffer & kind of tucks it away in a little pocket of your brain. I praise God for that. But at the same time, I want my memory of ALL that God has done for me thus far to be bright & clear so that I may share it with you....Thanks for listening....Thank you for your prayers & please continue as I will be beginning radiation soon. Much Love 😊💟 #GodisgoodALLthetime #iamsothankful #thankyouforyourprayers #radiationnext #pleasekeeppraying #breastcancerawareness #breastcancer #pinksister #ilovemyfamily