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Doin The Happy Dance!

Hey Now! Doin the Happy Dance!! I just Finished my Last Round of Chemo!!!! Praising & Thanking God for carrying me this far!! Now I must continue with Bio treatments to correct improper cell growth & radiation! Please continue to pray for me that the side affects from this last chemo & radiation to come will be a piece of cake. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!!! Thank you soooooo much for ALL of your prayers! Much Love To Ya!!!!😊💟 #dointhehappydance #finishedwithmylastroundofchemo #GodisgoodALLthetime #icandoallthingsthroughchristwhostrengthensme #keeptrustinginGodnomatterwhat #breastcancerawareness #breastcancer #pinksisters


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